Module:No globals

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Include this module at the top of your code. An error will be raised any time your code tries to read or write to a non-local (undeclared) variable.


Module:No globals success: 1, error: 0, skipped: 0
Module:No globals/sandbox success: 1, error: 0, skipped: 0

local mt = getmetatable(_G) or {}
function mt.__index (t, k)
	if k ~= 'arg' then
		-- perf optimization here and below: do not load Module:TNT unless there is an error
		error(require('Module:TNT').format('I18n/No globals', 'err-read', tostring(k)), 2)
	return nil
function mt.__newindex(t, k, v)
	if k ~= 'arg' then
		error(require('Module:TNT').format('I18n/No globals', 'err-write', tostring(k)), 2)
	rawset(t, k, v)
setmetatable(_G, mt)